
State Crime Records Bureau, Bhopal
Use of Technology for Efficient Public Service.
The State Crime Record Bureau (SCRB) of Madhya Pradesh plays a crucial role in digitizing police operations and enhancing law enforcement through advanced technology. Key initiatives include the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS) project, which links 1,111 police stations, streamlining crime data management and ensuring real-time information sharing. The bureau's technological innovations like the e-Vivecvhana App, e-FIR service, and M.P.e-Rakshak Smart Cop App have improved police efficiency and transparency. SCRB's achievements have earned national recognition, including awards for the innovative use of technology in investigations and digital governance.
The State Crime Record Bureau (SCRB) is a key organization within the police system, working in close coordination with the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB). Its primary objective is the computerization and digitization of all police station activities and the implementation of the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS) project. This aims to streamline the management of crime data and criminals’ records using advanced information technology, making it easier to track, retrieve, and share critical information, thus enhancing the efficiency of police investigations and overall operations.

Shri Chanchal Shekhar
SCRB MP has made great stride in innovation and deployment of new technology for ensuring effective policing. It's innovations like :- e-Vivechna, e-Rakshak "The MP smart cop" App have improved the way of policing which is faster, tranparent and Temperproof.
The availability of relevant and timely information is crucial for effective crime investigation and identification of criminals. Police departments handle vast amounts of data daily, and information technology (IT) plays a pivotal role in facilitating seamless data recording, retrieval, and sharing. This improves police operations, making the system more transparent and efficient. Through the CCTNS project, SCRB oversees the integration of 1,111 police stations and 638 senior offices across the state, facilitating the real-time monitoring of crime-related information via 168 reports, 43 registers, and 73 modules. The CCTNS project also links police stations with national portals like ICJS, NDSO, ITSSO, and Cri-MAC, which makes vital criminal information readily accessible at the national level.
In addition, SCRB regularly monitors the quality and quantity of data entered through the CAS application software. Monthly rankings are determined based on data metrics, including crime forms, arrest records, case diaries, and missing persons’ registrations. This initiative helps track not only criminals but also improves transparency and efficiency in police operations.
SCRB’s commitment to digitization is a key step in crime control, law enforcement, and establishing a more transparent police workflow. By providing real-time, accurate information, the organization strengthens crime investigations and enhances public safety management.
Historical background
The evolution of the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS) began with earlier programs like CCIS (Crime and Criminal Information System) and CIPA (Common Integrated Police Application). Launched in 1990, CCIS focused on building a crime and criminal database but was limited to basic crime reporting and statistical analysis. CIPA, introduced in 2004, aimed at automating police station operations, particularly investigations, but lacked interconnectivity across states.
The need for a comprehensive, real-time system for crime investigation led to the launch of CCTNS in 2009 as a Mission Mode Project (MMP) under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP). CCTNS builds upon the foundational work of CCIS and CIPA by providing an integrated, nationwide IT infrastructure that links police stations, districts, and headquarters. Unlike its predecessors, CCTNS allows for the real-time sharing of crime data across all police units and other law enforcement agencies. It also includes a citizen interface for services like FIR registration.
Police Stations connected with CCTNS
Higher Offices connected with CCTNS
x7 Hours Helpdesk Support for CCTNS related problems
Police Officers Trained in CCTNS